- 360 Forest Products Inc
- A T Martinez Timber Co
- A W Compton & Son
- Alabama Forest Products Inc
- Alabama River Chip Mills Inc
- Alabama River Woodlands Inc
- Alabama Wood Products Inc
- Amelia Woodyard
- Amos L Capps Pulpwood & Timber
- Ansley Pulpwood Co
- Apalachee Timber Co
- Arcola Logging Co
- Ashville Hardwood Inc
- B & B Pulpwood Co
- Bedsole Wood Corp
- Birkhimer Brothers Inc
- Blue Ox Forestry Inc
- Bowater Forest Products Div
- Bowater Forest Products Div
- Bowater Forest Products Div
- Bowater Forest Products Div
- Bowater Inc
- Bowater Inc Woodlands
- Bowater Woodlands
- Bradley's Pulpwood Dlr
- Brawley Timber Co
- Broad River Forest Products
- Brook's Wood & Timber Co
- Broome & Sons Wood Chipping
- Cahaba Wood Chip Inc
- Canal Wood Corp Of Augusta
- Cardin Wood Products
- Carolina Wood Inc
- Chad Timber Co
- Charles Donald Pulpwood Inc
- Charles Emmons Pulpwood
- Co-Op Pulpwood Co
- Coastal Carolina
- Conecuh Timber
- Corbett Timber Co
- Cortez Byrd Chips Inc
- Craft Land & Timber Inc
- Cremer Wood Procurement Inc
- Dawson Pulpwood Co
- Decatur Pulpwood Co
- Deloach Timber Harvester Inc
- Dobson Pulpwood Co
- Dopson's Wood Contracting
- Double B Land & Timber Co
- E & G Forest Products
- E D Bessey & Son
- Edwards Forest Prods
- F & P Enterprises Inc
- Forest Resources
- Foster's Woodyard
- G & S Wood Co
- Genesis
- George G Tyler & Sons Inc
- Georgia Carolina Inc
- Georgia-Pacific Corp
- Georgia-Pacific Corp
- Georgia-Pacific Corp
- Georgia-Pacific Corp
- Georgia-Pacific Corp
- Gloster Chips
- Goodridge Pulpwood
- Green Bay Packaging Inc
- Green Bay Packaging Inc
- Griffin Wood Co Inc
- H G Gantt Industries
- H Monroe Inc
- H W Shepherd & Sons Inc
- Harvey W Largent & Sons Inc
- Hazlehurst Pulpwood Yard
- Hentz Forest Products Inc
- Hines Steele & Steele
- Hunter-Wasson Inc
- Independent Producer Of LA Inc
- Industree Timber Inc
- Industree Timber Inc
- Ingram Wood Yard
- International Paper Co
- International Paper Co
- International Paper Co
- International Paper Co
- International Paper Co
- J W Miller Timber Co Inc
- J-M Tree Svc
- Jeremy's Timber
- Johnson Co Inc
- Johnson Timber Corp
- Jones Brothers
- Junction City Wood Co
- Kentwood Chip Mill
- King & Martin Cedar Works
- King Forest Industries
- Kirkpatrick Pulpwood Inc
- Langley Pulpwood Co
- Lincoln Paper & Tissue
- Linden Wood Inc
- Load Right Timber Sales Inc
- Macon Chips Scale House
- Madison Wood Products
- Magnolia Pulpwood Co
- Marietta Tree Experts
- Mc Cool's Woodyard
- Mc Cord Timber Co
- Mc Creary Hardwoods Inc
- Mc Dougald Timber Inc
- Mead Westvaco Corp
- Mead Westvaco Corp
- Mead Westvaco Corp
- Mead Westvaco Corp
- Meadwestvaco
- Middle Georgia Land & Timber
- Mike Culbreth Woodyard
- Mullin Wood
- Mustian Taylor & Son Pulpwood
- Myers Timber Co
- Natural Bridge Woodyard
- Nicholson Wood Inc
- Parham Pulpwood Inc
- Peacock Timber Co Inc
- Pettit Timber Inc
- Pettit Timber Inc
- Phillips Logging & Pulpwood
- Pickle Logging
- Pineville Forest Products Inc
- Plum Branch Wood Yard
- Porter Pulpwood & Logging Co
- Prescott Land & Timber Co
- Pulpwood Producers Co Inc
- Quality Hardwood Inc
- Quality Tree Care
- Ragland Timber Co
- Reid Timber Inc
- Richton Tie & Timber Co
- Richton Tie & Timber LLC
- Richton Tie & Timber LLC
- Sam Whitfield Timber Co Inc
- Sam Whitfield Timber Co Inc
- Scott Penn Inc
- Sherer Timber Co
- Shuler Brothers
- Smith Timberland Inc
- Smurfit-Stone Container
- Smurfit-Stone Container
- Southern Maintenance
- Southern States Timber Svc
- Star Woodyard
- Sterling Wood Chip Co Inc
- Suwanee Timber Logging
- Tallapoosa River Forest Prods
- Thomaston Timber Co Inc
- Tim Brotherton Pulp-Wood Dlr
- Timber Harvester Inc
- Timber Logistics
- Timber Resorce Management
- Triangle Forest Products
- W C Smith Pulpwood Co
- W S Richardson Pulpwood Buyers
- W T Harrell Pulpwood Co
- Ward Timber LTD
- Watson Wood Co
- Watson Wood Co Woodyard
- Wausau Mosinee Paper Corp
- Weaver's Pulpwood Inc
- Weir Timber Co
- Westvaco Corp
- Westvaco Wood Procurement Flds
- Williamson Logging Inc
- Wiregrass Wood Inc
- Woodlands Forest Products Inc
- Woodlands Inc
- Woodlands Management Div